Create immense value with a Digital Twin

Accelerate Planning and Optimization with Digital Twins

Optimize operations, and line layouts and refine workflows by simulating changes in a Digital Environment with Digital Twins.

We build accurate Digital Twins of your facilities based on requirements. Connect IoT sensors for real-time data visualization. Enable creating interactive simulations to predict scenarios, optimize planning, and monitor overall equipment effectiveness through our platform. Simply provide photos, videos, or existing 3D models. Through partnerships, we offer Digital Twins of the entire earth too.

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Virtual Factory Simulations

Manufacturers can create immersive, interactive 3D replicas of their factories and production floors. Simulate scenarios like changing layouts, adding new machines, or modifying workflows. Visually assess options and refine plans to optimize material flows, identify bottlenecks, and maximize output - before actual implementation.

Predictive Maintenance

For equipment like autonomous robots, turbines, and motors, connects real-time IoT sensor data to its digital twin model. Visualize performance parameters and detect issues early. Use machine learning on historical data to accurately estimate remaining useful life and optimize maintenance schedules. Avoid unexpected downtime.

Employee Onboarding

For massive facilities like airports that span over vast zones of access. Creating a highly realistic virtual replica that makes training safe. New joiners can self-navigate terminals, runways, and control towers to learn operations at their own pace before on-ground deployment. Remote experts can also visually guide trainees in the virtual facility.

Healthcare Training

Create digital twins of hospital operating rooms and intensive care units. Enable healthcare professionals to practice complex medical procedures and patient treatment workflows through realistic simulations. Build skills without risk and optimize clinical spaces.

Smart City Planning

Urban planners can create digital twins of entire cities integrating data from traffic signals, pollution sensors, public transport vehicles, etc. Run multiple scenarios to improve infrastructure allocation, mobility access, and sustainability - before investing capital.

50+ Prebuilt ultra realistic worlds

50+ Prebuilt ultra realistic worlds

50+ Prebuilt ultra realistic worlds

50+ Prebuilt ultra realistic worlds

50+ Prebuilt ultra realistic worlds

50+ Prebuilt ultra realistic worlds

50+ Prebuilt ultra realistic worlds

50+ Prebuilt ultra realistic worlds

50+ Prebuilt ultra realistic worlds

50+ Prebuilt ultra realistic worlds

50+ Prebuilt ultra realistic worlds

50+ Prebuilt ultra realistic worlds

50+ Prebuilt ultra realistic worlds

50+ Prebuilt ultra realistic worlds

50+ Prebuilt ultra realistic worlds

50+ Prebuilt ultra realistic worlds

50+ Prebuilt ultra realistic worlds

50+ Prebuilt ultra realistic worlds

50+ Prebuilt ultra realistic worlds

50+ Prebuilt ultra realistic worlds

50+ Prebuilt ultra realistic worlds

50+ Prebuilt ultra realistic worlds

50+ Prebuilt ultra realistic worlds

50+ Prebuilt ultra realistic worlds

VR. Metaverse. Immersive Experiences. WebAR.

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VR. Metaverse. Immersive Experiences. WebAR.

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VR. Metaverse. Immersive Experiences. WebAR.

How Do We Create Your Digital Twin

Objective Alignment

Identify your critical operational bottlenecks and improvement areas.


Construct virtual 3D environment models to simulate real-world mechanics using game engines.


Map optimal digital twin components and workflows based on targeted use cases.


Ingest live sensor data and connect legacy enterprise data systems to Digital Twin.


Install analytics to monitor conditions, predict failures, optimize configurations.


Build operator dashboards and interfaces tailored to workflows.

Launch and Maintain

Deploy and continuously improve solution based on usage.


Photorealistic 3D Environments

Photorealistic 3D modeling reconstructs physical environments virtually

Interactive Simulations

Interactive product simulations assess performance anticipating real-world conditions

IT Systems Integration

Ingest sensor data and integrate with IT architecture through APIs

Built-in CMS

Manage product data, simulations, media, and more through our intuitive Vmersive control panel.

Easy Web Access

Customers can access the digital twin on any device through our cloud streaming platform, with no download required.

Spatial Collaboration

Support up to 40+ concurrent users interacting in a shared collaborative experience.


What is a digital twin?

A digital twin refers to a virtual representation of a physical asset or environment recreated with extreme precision using 3D modeling, connected with real-time sensor feeds to enable data-backed simulations and insights.

What technology enables digital twin capabilities?

The core technology pillars are Internet of Things connectivity, 3D modeling software, simulation platforms, analytics dashboards, and emerging visualization mediums like augmented reality and virtual reality.

What are the business benefits companies can gain?

For prebuilt showroom templates, we can typically launch within 3 weeks using our agile onboarding. For highly customized environments leveraging our full feature suite, the average go-live is 5-6 weeks.

Connect Physical and Virtual Worlds with Digital Twins in 2024. Let's build.

Lets talk

Create immense value
with a Digital Twin

Optimize operations, line layouts and refine workflows by simulating changes in a Digital Environment with Digital Twins.

We build accurate Digital Twins of your facilities based on requirements. Connect IoT sensors for real-time data visualization. Enable creating interactive simulations to predict scenarios, optimize planning, and monitor overall equipment effectiveness through our platform. Simply provide photos, videos or existing 3D models. Through partnerships, we offer Digital Twins of the entire earth too.

Virtual Factory Simulations

Manufacturers can create detailed virtual copies of their physical production environments to simulate scenarios for efficient layout planning through rapid iterations before construction or hardware commitments.

Predictive Maintenance

Connected digital twin models accessing real-time IoT data from heavy equipment like turbines and motors enable identifying problems earlier and even estimating remaining useful life accurately to optimize maintenance costs.

Employee Onboarding

Creation of ultra-realistic virtual replicas of massive facilities like airports and power plants facilitates onboarding new hires at their own pace to learn operations safely as conventionally access was risky due to sheer zone sizes.

Key Capablilities

3D Modeling

Photorealistic Environment Creation through 3D Modeling and Import Tools


Program and Visualize Product Performance Models Under Real Conditions

IoT Integrations

Ingest Sensor Data Feeds and Integrate with Existing Network Architecture

Easy Web Access

Enable decision Makers to Evaluate Simulations via easy web-based access

Spatial Collaboration

Launch new collections and support up to 40+ concurrent shoppers in one experience.

Data Analytics

Provide a Single Pane of Glass for Executives to Track KPIs and Actionable Insights


What is a digital twin?

A Digital Twin refers to a virtual representation of a physical asset or environment recreated with extreme precision using 3D modeling, connected with real-time sensor feeds to enable data-backed simulations and insights.

What technology enables digital twin capabilities?

The core technology pillars are Internet of Things connectivity, 3D modeling software, simulation platforms, analytics dashboards and emerging visualization mediums like augmented reality and virtual reality.

What are the business benefits companies can gain?

Digital Twins drive accelerated design through virtual testing, lowered costs through predictive insights and enhanced agility by facilitating data-backed decision validation catering to various use cases across manufacturing, cities, healthcare and more.

Still have questions?

Ready to create your own Digital Twin with Vmersive

Let's talk